
9 Apr, 2019 | Claire O'Dea | No Comments


Editorial by Claire Connellan,Director of The Natural Health Centre, Ennis wrote …
Stress can cause your body and mind to weaken and disease to manifest within … your only human and it’s important to make the time to be mindful of your surroundings,
Working as a Health Practitioner in the for 24 years as a Physical therapist, Beauty and Body Tutor, a Medical Acupuncturist, Pilates instructor and Reflexologist I have studied ways of how one can treat the human body holistically along with support of conventional medicine and the importance of getting bloods taken and scans to inform us what’s going on.
I have treated many illnesses some serious and not so serious, I see the massive need for people to start listening to their body workings, why do I feel sluggish and breathless at times, why am I experiencing discomfort in my body …we need to notice changes within our system,
Am I becoming very sensitive to everything how one is looking at me or am I noticing too much and if so how is this showing physically and mentally or both .. not able to listen anymore to my loved ones friends family etc feeling irritable, eating too little or too much , not able to express my concerns, fears, can’t make a decision, finding it difficult to sleep at night or relax at any stage of the day or night ,what parts of my body are aching … our body will tell us a story about why this is happening,
Have I inflammation, how can I tell, what are the signs I should notice when the body is under pressure , is it my head and why, my stomach and why, my legs and why,
Our body will never tell a lie I will be blogging ‘Why pains, aches, appear in different parts of the body and how we can start helping ourselves today right now before it is too late …